Michael Coker


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Meet Michael

Michael Coker is proud to call our community – now the City of Mulberry – home. Michael was raised in this area, runs a business here, serves here, and is raising his family here. He is passionately committed to protecting our future. Michael knows that local citizens know what is best for our community – not developers or Gwinnett County. Because of this and out of concern for the out-of-control growth being forced on our community, he worked closely with our Legislators and went on to lead the citizen-driven effort, Citizens for Mulberry, that led to voter approval of the city in May.

Michael has continued to fight for the future of our city by leading and funding the legal defense of the City against 4 lawsuits that have attempted to stop the creation of the city and stifle the voice of local residents through the courts.

Throughout the process, Michael talked to hundreds of neighbors, led numerous town hall meetings, and fought back against the lies from out-of-town developers and special interests. He continues to engage with citizens daily to answer questions about the city and to seek input and ideas for Mulberry’s future. He is also leading the charge to speak out against Gwinnett County’s attempts to force developments on the City prior to the Council being elected.

He will never back down from protecting our future in Mulberry. Michael is passionate to see this vision through so he is now running for City Council to make sure that our new city is successful!

Protect Our Future. Vote Michael Coker for Council November 5th.

Michael Will

Lead the formation of the city government

Listen and lean on local residents for input

Enforce the city charter and principles the city was founded on

Protect our community from out-of-control growth to prevent the worsening of traffic congestion, over-crowding of our schools, and the erosion of public safety in our neighborhoods.

Protect local taxpayers

Fight to maintain the services our citizens expect and deserve

Now, the real work begins and I am ready to put my legal expertise, business experience, and commitment to our community to work to ensure the success of Mulberry on the City Council.

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